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The Muslim Community Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental listening and emotional support service.

TELEPHONE US: 020 8904 8193 or 020 8908 6715.

SERVICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday: 10am-1pm. Friday: 10am-4pm.

BY PRIOR APPOINTMENT (email us to arrange): Monday to Friday. Male counsellors: evening service (emotional and psychological support only).

LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Arabic, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu/Hindi.

CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: Please note that any information sent to us by users of our service is seen and then deleted. We do not retain personal information provided.

The Muslim Community Helpline is a national organisation helping people since 1987. We began our work as the Muslim Women’s Helpline and changed status in 2007 to reflect the growing number of calls from men, women and younger people. We are here to help and support, whatever your needs, and have trained volunteers with many years of experience on hand, five days a week. We aim to provide a listening and emotional support service for the community throughout the United Kingdom.

We stand up for justice, mercy and compassion.

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