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Redditch Dial-a-Ride

Redditch Dial A Ride is a door-to-door transport service for residents of Redditch Borough who cannot use public transport. You can use Dial-A-Ride for any…

Redditch Night Stop

Emergency accommodation, supported lodgings, support and learning for those aged between 16 and 35. They provide safe and immediate emergency accommodation in the homes of…

Rehab Recovery

Rehab Recovery is an organisation that provides addiction treatment and healthcare advice for a wide range of different addiction and dependency problems. We offer high-quality advice and referral service…


We can offer immediate access to quality rehabilitation centres in literally any corner of the United Kingdom. Finding the right rehabilitation centre is not as…


Relate provide relationship support in Worcester, Bromsgrove, Redditch, Broadway, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Upton Upon Severn and Hereford. They can help individuals, couples and families of all…


Relate provide relationship support in Worcester, Bromsgrove, Redditch, Broadway, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Upton Upon Severn and Hereford. They can help individuals, couples and families of all…

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice’s aim is to empower you to cope and recover from your experience. This can include, should you wish, the opportunity to communicate with…


The Rethink Mental Illness Advice Service offers practical help on issues such as the Mental Health Act, community care and welfare benefits, living with mental…

Revenge Porn Helpline

A free resource full of useful information for victims of revenge porn, information about what the law says, what can be done to limit its…

Rights of Women

Rights of Women work in lots of different ways to help women through the law. The law is complex and confusing. Rights of Women want…