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There are practically no NHS services available for people who have, or might, commit sexual offences.

Access to professional support and help is limited and most therapists don’t want to work with these clients.

We believe prevention is better than cure, so StopSO provides specialist therapy across the UK to sex offenders and those who have yet to act on their ‘troubling thoughts’.

We also work with families, helping them come to terms with being related to a sex offender.

We also work with Survivors of offending, offering therapy and ongoing support.

StopSO offers private therapy to anyone who is worried or concerned about their sexual thoughts or behaviour. It takes up to 3-5 working days for a specialist therapist to contact you following your referral.

As StopSO is unfunded, we are unable to offer a free service. There will be a charge for therapy per session.

You can self-refer or a professional can do so with your permission, by completing the ‘Request Help’ form here

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